Require an experienced writer, project manager or arts tactician? Hilary is a master at transforming abstract ideas into practical realities. She has an innate ability to realize an individual’s full potential while furthering a company's overall artistic aims. No matter what shape your idea is in, she provides clarity, direction and a distinctive aesthetic quality. Contact:



HB: I have been described as a business woman with an artist’s soul. I like to think of myself as an artist with a good head for business. The two things are compatible. After all, a business is simply your occupation and creativity, the act of involving your imagination. Many artists fear getting organised will lessen their creative powers. Experience tells me the opposite is true. Imaginative business practices create more time for your art.

Taking Care of Business seminar
Working in the arts is an idiosyncratic business. Under Hilary’s expert guidance, the mysteries of being a freelance artist quickly disappear. She devises tactics with individuals and small independent companies to ensure they attain and manage their artistic and business goals. Thank you for your energy and expertise. The feedback has been great; these strategies will make wholesale differences for these businesses. It was a good workshop to start off the year. Biz Arts Makers 2006 !Metro Arts