Writing for a living means more than putting pen to paper! Hilary is a regular contributor to newspapers, magazines and industry journals. She has written essays, program notes, book and theatre reviews, and worked as a columnist, speech-writer and a regular co-host on ABC Radio 612. As Director of the Queensland Writers' Centre (1997-2004) she published numerous books on writing including, Word for Word - a handbook for writers and teachers of writing.


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There's No Going Back, Kookaburra Shells (Justified Text Press, 2006), ed. by Robyn Sheahan Bright
I was really delighted when Robyn asked me to contribute to this collection of short stories. A time of mystery and wilful damage, of sea shells and oyster middens, There's No Going Back recounts a holiday I spent with my family on Curtis Island in the late 60s. Part memoir, part fabrication, it is based on an incident that signalled a loss of innocence, not just for me or my family, but for the State of Queensland.


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